Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Continuing The Revolution - The Way Ahead

Note that I am typing these notes in such a way that someone from another part of the state, or another state in general, can read these and adapt the tactics for themselves. These are things that I know have the potential to work and are a good starting point for all coalitions nationally within this movement. All in all, the very first thing we all need to keep in mind is to KEEP THE MEETUPS GOING!!! That is how we got this far and we'll never have an opportunity to build such alliances ever again! We owe Ron Paul so much for providing this opportunity! With that, I encourage you to continue. . .

Here's a quick summary of the topics:

Primary Tactics

Secondary Tactics
FM Microbroadcasting & Public Access TV
Raising Issues - REAL ID

Tertiary Tactics


Rules For Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer For Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky

I suggest every single person in this movement save their milk money and get a copy of this book, like yesterday. It is, and should be considered by all, as the venerable bible for modern-day revolutionaries. While there are many books available out there instructing one in the ways of grassroots activism, there are none so succinct and informational. Alinsky was THE master organizer and worked quite successfully to create change. Everything he learned is in this book. There's no better way to jumpstart your activism and attain success than the "rules" outlined by Alinsky. This book is reviewed in an article in Issue #5 of Republic Magazine, a publication that will be covered later in this list.

Buy Rules For Radicals, by Saul Alinsky now!!!


The one major difference between supporters of Ron Paul and those of any other candidate ever, is that we are gearing to rise up politically for the issues and cause we believe in. The first step in taking back this country is to get involved politically at the local level!!! Starting in the near future, we are going to see the steady rise of a new breed of political mind, the Ron Paul Republican. That starts with you, at the local level, getting involved and working your way up the ladder. Many people you will find in these meetups have been active politically before and should be treated as venerable “wise men” in this movement as they can help us move along this track faster than anyone else!!!

Start at the precinct level. Many precinct chairs are vacant across the country and all it may take for you, a Ron Paul Republican(or Libertarian. . .), to fill it is to attend a meeting!!! Find out the peculiarities of your area and work the system. Pretty soon we will see the eventual re-takeover of the Republican party by true American idealists supporting freedom, true free market economics, and all those wonderful things our forefathers engendered to us!!! Even something so simple as becoming an election judge gets your foot in the door, your name familiar to people, and you might even land a job!!! Get started today!



The biggest strength we have is in numbers. Coalitions attract people to their cause and give individuals a way to act collectively to implement a desired change in the community. Just within the meetup groups we have a base of support to start with, and with Community Outreach and other successful action many more people will be drawn to your organization.

Why not just work through the meetups under the "Ron Paul 2008" banner? Well, it's simple really. A newly formed coalition does not carry with it the stigma that an already formed group, especially one steeped in politics, has that may turn people off before they even accept your ideas. This does not mean to stop any meetup activity, but obviously the campaign has a timeline and afterwards it will be out of place to be campaigning for someone who ran last year. Also, working solely through the Ron Paul Meetups, Libertarian Party, etc. is a sure way to create difficulties for you and will provide less opportunity for your issues to take root in your community. You may bring up an issue at a townhall meeting to a small group that likes your ideas and then they realize you are "Ron Paul People", and it just so happens they voted Ghouliani. . .you get the picture?

To give an example, I live near and grew up in the Fox Valley part of Northern Illinois, so I am starting up the Fox Valley Freedom Coalition, the FVFC. Key members will be largely those from within the local meetups and Libertarian Party, but all under the banner of the FVFC. So when radio ads are aired telling people about the coming national id cards, they are interested and dont feel that joining our ranks will provide them with any pre-existing social stigmas.


Restore the Republic is the volunteer network set up per the wishes of the late Freedom Fighter, Aaron Russo. Russo's documentary, America: Freedom To Fascism has done more to wake up Americans than any other book or film ever. Many people credit such people as Alex Jones for “waking people up” but with it's hard-edged approach, I wouldn’t give an Alex Jones dvd to members of my family. I would give them AFTF and not think twice about it! You will find if you survey that many of the true, hardcore activists within the Ron Paul Revolution got involved by first seeing this movie. In fact, Aaron Russo was one of the major impetuses for Ron Paul to run for president! If it wasn't for this movie, our ranks here in this revolution would not be nearly so much.

Restore The Republic, the legacy of Aaron's vision, has a new website up and running combining many of the best features of the social networking sites such as Myspace and Youtube. This particular network is growing and many great people are starting to work with them, bringing valuable resources to the table.

Join RTR here!!!

FM Microbroadcasting & Public Access TV

This is an idea that has come up strong recently and has great potential. The idea is to purchase FM frequency broadcasters at low wattages capable of broadcasting throughout a township, and basically using an empty FM frequency to utilize for your own purposes. Anyone can do this, but there are issues of legality involving the FCC. The FCC allows licensing of FM radio stations over 100 watts. Anything under ¼ watt is open game for anyone. That kind of wattage will allow you to broadcast your very own radio show from one side of your home to another. The range from ¼ watt to 100 watts is COMPLETELY OFF LIMITS to everyone, including you!!! There was a time in around 2000 when the FCC was to allow licensing for under 100watt radio stations, but that was summarily shut down and now that wattage output is a veritable no-man’s-land on the FM dial.

Some cry “Free Speech” but the way the Supreme Court has ruled on this, time and again, is that since radio is an extension of the human voice, and from what they say FM broadcasting is “not available to everyone”, that puts the jurisdiction of the FM frequency waves, a natural phenomena, under government control. . .

Here’s the plan:

You work within your meetup groups and freedom coalitions to raise funding for the purchase of Low Power Transmitters. You find an FM “channel” that is not in use. In considering this you must also realize that the further your signal is to travel, the higher the wattage must be. You don’t want to step on anyone’s toes and broadcast over someone’s paid-for station that is two towns over. That will piss people off. Once you have the equipment and a channel picked, you then create your own show and begin broadcasting!!!

Within the RTR network, we’ve talked about streaming the We The People Radio Network broadcast 24-7, cutting in here and there with our own shows. Along with that it is a good idea to become a staple, so to speak, of the community. Allow local people access to the station by “selling” hour long time slots. Think local musicians and such. This also helps to bring listeners to the station. Also provide community service functions such as notifying the public to school closings on snow days, local elections results, upcoming local events, sever weather alerts, and other things along that line. We don’t want to create some sort of wannabe rebel station that does nothing but attract weirdos and turns the local people off. Our target audience is the rest of the country, the ones who haven’t “woken up” quite yet and have no clue about these issues which we will present to them. That is where FM Microbroadcasting comes to save the day. . .

Further research:

The Micro Effect

Radio Free Berkeley

Free Speech vs. the FCC

FCC Defense

Find Vacant Stations In Your Area

Public Access TV is a very valuable tool that is more than overlooked, it's widely unknown!!! You may not even consciously realize your cable station has a public access channel until someone points it out to you. Most of the programming on these channels are religious services, town board meetings, school projects, etc. The beauty of public access television is that anyone can do it, it is free, it is uncensored, and anyone can do it!!! The idea here is contact your local cable station and find out what requirements there are for getting a time slot, and then produce your own show! Many cable stations even host free producer courses that cover the basics of creating a television show, and then offer access to their equipment! It's a no lose situation, and as if it wouldn't be normal, corporations are working to get public access channels eradicated, so utilize this tool while we still have it!

Raising Issues - REAL ID

The number one thing we want to do when working with our community is to raise an issue. When people’s lives are fine and things are just okay, they are not going to be receptive to our message. It is only when you disrupt their daily lives with something, something that sticks, that makes them rethink things, that gives them the opportunity to question their reality, only then will they listen to your issue.

Of all the “Freedom Issues” today, the one I’ve personally found to be easiest to talk to “normals” about is the REAL ID.


It’s simple. You can throw it into any conversation. For instance:

“Yeah, the Cubs aint going anywhere this season. . .”

“No kidding! Hey, did you guys hear about this “national id card” supposedly starting this year?”

“No! What? What’s that all about?”

“Well, it’s kind of weird, they only started talking about it just recently, but the bill passed a couple years back when. . .”

And it’s that easy. People see that what you’re saying they don’t like, you compel them to research it themselves, they find out the truth, they are pissed!!! Another very fortunate aspect of the REAL ID is that we also have some very powerful tools now to fight it!!!

Restore The Republic has worked with the National Veterans Committee on Constitutional Affairs (NVCCA), most notably Disciple Aaron Bolinger, to fight the REAL ID getting the toughest anti-REAL ID legislation passed in South Carolina! Aside from all of the hard work and true, patriotic dedication displayed by Bolinger, the NVCCA, members of RTR, We Are Change, and many more, they had another tool that really helped push the scales over to our side. They are two booklets containing all the information one needs to know about the REAL ID, the stuff the DHS doesn’t want you to know, and they are booklets designed specifically for giving to state legislators with sample legislation and all!!!

These books not only take all the hard work out of the process for the state legislator, but they are highly informative to the general public as well! You can obtain free pdf copies from the links provided below, or purchase actual hard copies for around $5 a piece to be given to state legislators. The idea is that you raise some funds to purchase one for each state legislator, and then you work with the meetup groups to make follow up calls and other necessary things to determine which legislator will get on board and support this bill. Then the local meetups and other activists will have to work hand in hand with them to ensure they keep the bill alive, on the table, and passed through both houses!!! That is the simplified version of the reality, but RTR has provided some instructional/educational videos as well to help get a hold of the whole “legislative courting” process.

The Real ID Act: Real Tyranny Against Americans!

Real ID Supplement

Real ID - Legislative Inquiries: A Lecture by Aaron Bolinger
http://www.restoretherepublic.com/component/option. . .

As with any issue, you want to present factual information in a manner that is non-intimidating or judgemental. You want people to be changed by the information and not turned off. So when presenting an issue to any group, whether it be at a local board meeting, townhall meeting, or the privacy of your home, make sure you know what you're talking about and can break it to someone in a way that is persuasive yet gives the person the room and opportunity to digest the information on their own. The last thing we want is a bunch of people going on about things that may be relevant, but they present them is such a way that the person is forever turned off to the issue, barring someone else with more persuasive tactics to woo them over to our side, whichever that may be. Study not only the subject you are presenting, but also ways in which people become responsive to new ideas. No one likes a greasy salesman, but the best salesmen in the business are the ones that get you to buy by thinking you made the choice all on your own. . .


One of the valuable tools we have available to us now to reach hundreds of thousands of Americans is the new publication specifically geared for the freedom movement called Republic Magazine! Featuring eye-opening articles exposing the fraud and corruption so heavily perpetrated by our government in every issue, Republic Magazine also makes itself available at activists prices of $1 a piece with the intention that you buy in bulk and begin to leave issues of it wherever there is a waiting room area. . .

The first issue of Republic Magazine had features on the REAL ID battle and grassroots activism. The second issue featured our great Dr. Paul. The fifth issue coming out February 19th is geared solely towards awakening the public to the criminal injustice that is the misapplied Income Tax!!! This one is going to be a good one and definitely one to raise some eyebrows, and change some minds. Order bulk quantities and spread the word about this wonderful publication. Submissions for articles can also be made as Republic Magazine is always looking to feature work from activists within this network!!!


This one is basically a given at this point, but it’s worth stating anyway. We need to ensure that our kind of people are being supported enough to make it into public offices nation wide! The first step obviously is becoming aware of these candidates, which is where your meetups and freedom coalitions will come in handy. Then obviously funding and campaigning is the next step. From working on the Ron Paul campaign, we all have begun the process of learning what it takes to win an election!!! Most of us are still very green and may even think that simply posting signs can do it, but many of us realize all the work it takes to do precinct work, canvassing, and all the social functions and things you need to attend to get your people talking about your candidate!!! This is only the beginning!!! So make sure that whenever a true friend of freedom comes up running for public office in your area/state, you give them all the support you gave this election season!


This is something many don’t think about, but one that helps all of us as well. We all are sick of the corrupt two party system, and Ron Paul knew that as well after a failed attempt to run as Libertarian in ’88. But with this new revolution that is rising up, we have the power to change that. Whether or not you may declare yourself as Republican in the future, to join the ranks of Ron Paul Republicans, it still stands that the one party that upholds our ideals unabashedly is the Libertarian Party. The major thing holding this party back is the FEC regulations and such that keep third parties down. They have to do more work with less people to get on ballots, and if you can’t get on a ballot, you can’t get elected no matter what anyone tells you about “write-in” candidacies!!! So contact your local Libertarian Party, if not to join atleast to see what sort of actions you can work with them on and also help them get the signatures they will need to obtain ballot access in your state.


Rent space at a local library to show freedom related movies. A good one always is America: Freedom To Fascism. Anything exposing the corruption going on whether it be the war, the monetary system, the income tax, whatever. It is advisable not to show Alex Jones films unless you know your audience(most likely college students would be receptive. . .) and know that they won’t be scared away. AJ’s films are pretty hardcore and really not for the faint of heart or the stubborn ones who would otherwise be persuaded to the cause by a more subtle, yet informative film. Know your audience and use judgment in all instances.


Just as Ron Paul says, the ideas of freedom are young ideas. With that in mind it is beyond a doubt the single most important target audience to hit with the freedom message: College Students.

What better mixture of desirable activist qualities do you find in any other demographic?


An energetic idealism to change the world before the onset of “reality” in the form of bills, credit card debt, mortgages, kids, etc.

Time to actually be active.

A desire to be heard that is sometimes not seen in the older crowd that has worked so long for freedom only to be knocked down time and again to the point of defeat.

College students should be a prime target for all freedom groups as far as awareness, outreach, and recruitment. Having college chapters of Ron Paul Republicans, and all other types of freedom loving groups all across the country will surely change the face of politics in America!!!

Do flyer blitzes, movie showings, establish freedom groups, work with faculty, anything you can to spread the message on all campuses whether state universities or community colleges.

That’s right, our boys in blue are human too!!! While educating police officers might not seem like the most natural thing to do, realize that they have a job to do as well as anyone else and they, more than anyone else in the community, have the ability to effect public perception. You get a large percentage of the police force in your area online to this message and aware of these issues, you have a real good start to a wonderful, freedom loving town!!! Also it is always a good thing to have friends in high places when in a bind, so don’t look to law enforcement as enemies, look at them as uninformed neighbors who have every right to be aware of the situation as does everyone else!!!


This is a highly specialized one applicable only to those who already are accepted in an inner city area. I myself could not walk down the streets in the West Side of Chicago and expect some of the residents there to listen to my rants about the Federal Reserve. I would summarily be shot, stabbed, robbed, beaten, and probably killed. But, for those who have access to these communities, often looked down upon by society at large, you have a supreme opportunity to effect the one community that has been socially engineered into violence and poverty: The Black Community. One could ideally begin working with known and accepted community leaders to start simple “workshops” that explain the issues of the day in a manner suited to the ways of inner city life. What the inner city community has in spades is real, raw, life experience of what “the system” does to people, but they have little means to change it. We in the middle class, on the other hand, have all the means available to effect change, but little understanding or reasoning as to why change is necessary. That is all changing because of the Ron Paul Revolution.

Ron Paul’s message of true free market economy, free from government intervention, is very resonant with small business owners who are constantly over-taxed and put out of business by government regulations that support and bolster the corporate landscape while turning true American, small business owners into veritable desert farmers. Nothing is more crippling to freedom than an economy run by fascist overlords, and small business owners will not disagree with you on that point!!! Reach out to local area businesses with simple informational flyers perhaps. Make friends with the owners, learn about the issues affecting them and their livelihood. No matter what, throughout you will be coming in closer touch with your community and that is the real point of all of this. American have lost touch with their neighbors, their surroundings, their history, their source. We have lost our way and if we don’t stop this terrible trend now, within this generation, then who the hell will?


Many of us have done this for Ron Paul. The idea is the same, although the overall approach is different. Make an event within your meetup to work specific areas of a local town. You can use current Ron Paul literature, or one of your own design that is attractive, compelling, and leads the person to your group or coalition. All the while you want whoever you give the information to to be able to digest it on their own time, and have an easy way to contact you if and when they decide they are ready for more. This should be done by EVERYONE, on a regular basis, in good weather. This also is yet another way to make connections with your local community and to create a presence for yourself within your community as someone who cares and is honestly trying to make a difference. People will not only respect you for that, they will admire you. You cannot be a criminal, a ruffian, or “one of THOSE people” if you are engaging them on a personal level and showing them you are genuine and approachable. Think big on this one, the community level is what grassroots is all about, and it’s like my favorite band 311 says, “The roots that grow underground, are as big as the tree that you see, if not it would fall down. . .”


Think of any and all other little things like even a $3 car wash on a sunny day! Find the local laws and pick a place to do it, get some of your most smiling and happy and beautiful friends and fellow patriots, and wash some cars! Oh, and did I mention that you would also hand out copies of AFTF and/or informational flyers as you go? Not only does this produce a little money for your meetup or coalition, but it gets the word out and helps with your tan. . .

Think of other things like this. Look to other already established volunteer/activist groups and see what they are doing that creates effect. The idea is to get things done. We cannot stand around and wait for some great leader on a white horse to come at the eleventh hour and slay the beast. We are each and every one of us that leader we have been waiting for. We have kept that part of ourselves buried underneath our conditioning that tells us to remain weak and not “buck the system”, just go along and everything will be okay. If there is anything that we’ve learned so far from the Ron Paul Revolution it’s that that kind of mentality is what got us into this mess in the first place, and so it’s up to us to turn it around and head off into a new direction; the one intended for this country originally, and that is to display to the world the way of freedom for all by respecting and upholding the individual and allowing that individual to function naturally within the co-created society. The American way is the way to world peace in it’s essence, the founding fathers knew what they were doing!!! They also knew that it would require the work of ALL subsequent generations to maintain the reigns of government long enough that this experiment in freedom, this new idea, could blossom long enough to pollinate the entire planet.